The pattern: the ‘o’ in the stem changes to ‘ue.’ The verb illustrated in the following table is Soñar (to dream)
* Not used in Latin America
To hang
To count, to tell
To find
To make an effort
To show
To prove
To remember
To ring
To fly
1. You-formal remember Usted recuerda 2. I fly Yo vuelo 3. The phone rings El teléfono suena
The pattern: the ‘e’ in the stem changes to ‘ie.’ The verb illustrated in the table below is sentar to sit
To heat
To close
To start
To confess
To wake
To enclose
To freeze
To deny
To snow
To think
To break
1. They think Ellos piensan 2. We heat Nosotros calentamos 3. You close the door Tú cierras la puerta
You-all play with us Ustedes juegan con nosotros