Piece of Spanish Cake

Common suffixes


In Spanish, like many other languages, certain suffixes relate to certain meanings. In this chapter we will review some of these suffixes and give several examples for each one.

The Suffix -ERÍA

This suffix indicates types of stores.

1. Pan (bread) Panadería (bakery)
2. Café (coffee ) Cafetería (coffee shop)
3. Flor (flower) Florería (flower shop)
4. Verdura (vegetable) Verdulería (vegetable stand)


The Suffix -ISTA

This suffix is used to indicate professions or occupations.

1. Piano (piano) Pianista (pianist)
2. Taxi (taxi) Taxista (Taxi driver)

The suffix -ista is permanent. Therefore, if we want to change the word to masculine we will not change the ‘A’ to ‘O’, but rather change the article, e.g. un taxista (a taxi driver - masculine), el taxista (the taxi driver – masculine), una taxista (a taxi driver – feminine), la taxista (the taxi driver – feminine).


The Suffix –(C)ITO/A/OS/AS

This suffix is used to indicate diminutiveness and affection.

1. Joven (youngster) Jovencito (cute youngster)
2. Hijo (son) Hijito (little son)


The Suffix – AZO/A

This suffix is used to indicate a blow or strike.

1. Pelota (ball) Pelotazo (ball strike)
2. Puño (fist) Puñetazo (fist strike)


The Suffix – ÓN

This suffix is used to indicate a negative exaggeration.

1. Llorar (to cry) Llorón (crier)
2. Preguntar (to ask) Preguntón (nagger)


The Suffix – OSO/A/OS/AS

This suffix describes a state or characteristic.

1. Peligro (danger) Peligroso (dangerous)
2. Mentir (to lie) Mentirosa (liar)


The Suffix – DOR/A/OS/AS

This suffix is used to describe a person possessing a certain trait.

1. Ganar (to win) Ganador (Winner)
2. Trabajar (to worker) Trabajador/a/es (Worker/s)


The Suffix – MENTE

This suffix indicates the adverb form of the word, just like the “-ly” suffix used in English. Examples and further explanations regarding adverbs are found {link:1212}.

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