Piece of Spanish Cake

Grammar exercise (Ejercicio de gramática)

Exercise No. 1: Prepositions
Exercise No. 2: Prepositions
Exercise No. 3: Prepositions
Exercise No. 4: Prepositions
Exercise No. 5: Prepositions
Exercise No. 6: Prepositions
Exercise No. 7: Prepositions
Exercise No. 8: Prepositions
Exercise No. 9: Prepositions
Exercise No. 10: Prepositions
Exercise No. 11: Prepositions
Exercise No. 12: Prepositions
Exercise No. 13: Prepositions
Exercise No. 14: Prepositions
Exercise No. 15: Prepositions
Exercise No. 16: Prepositions
Exercise No. 17: Prepositions
Exercise No. 18: Prepositions
Exercise No. 19: Prepositions
Exercise No. 20: Prepositions
Exercise No. 21: Prepositions
Exercise No. 22: Prepositions
Exercise No. 23: Prepositions
Exercise No. 24: Prepositions
Exercise No. 25: Prepositions (Displayed below)
Exercise No. 26: Prepositions
Exercise No. 27: Prepositions

¿Por o para?

Spanish Uno Article

Completa el texto con por o para:

Querida Elba Tracio:

Te escribo ahora porque esta semana pasada no tuve tiempo   hacerlo. poco te escribo ayer, pero no lo hice. Te diré que el sábado pasado yo estaba caminando el centro comercial y, como ya estaba allí, decidí entrar a la librería. Cuando entré, poco me caigo al tropezar con un niño que salió corriendo. ¡Menos mal que no me caí! Me hubiera dado mucha vergüenza caerme en público. En fin, entré y compré un libro tí. El libro fue escrito Rigoberta Menchú y creo que te va a gustar. Le di un vistazo, pero no creo que está escrito personas como yo que se deprimen tan rápido. Ya que mucha gente, es un libro excelente pero prefiero no leerlo. Espero que te guste.

¡Feliz Cumpleaños!

Damián Sioso


We believe in providing you with the tools you need to succeed both within our program and in the “real world”. Other systems forego grammar while focusing solely on conversation skills. Instead, we created a grammar learning system that is rooted into relevant conversations and fun exercises and games. Our philosophy is to empower our learners with the tools to understand the logic of the language as well as knowing correct implementation and application. You’ll never find boring drills at Spanish Uno, but we believe in the capabilities of our learners and therefore never compromise on our standards of language education.