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Spanish-English Vocabulary:
Love: General
Suegro Father-in-law
Fiebre Fever
Celos Jealousy
Locura Madness
Encuentro Meeting
Monogomia Monogamy
Relación Relation
Relajación Relaxation
Sentido del humor Sense of humor
Estado State
Adaptarse to adapt
Apreciar To appreciate
Estar enamorado To be in love
Romper To break
Poner o Hacer los cuernos To commit adultery
Encerrarse To enclose
Disfrutar To enjoy
Enamorarse de… To fall in love with
Conocerse To get to know
Esforzarse To make an effort
Encontrarse To meet
Terminar To terminate, to finish
Incontrolado Uncontrollable

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