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Spanish-English Vocabulary:
Characters, Childrens Stories and Moods
Enojado Angry
Cenicienta Cinderella
Contento Content
Lobo Feroz Cruel Wolf
Enanos Dwarf
Hada Fairy
Duende Goblin
Hansel y Gretel Hansel and Gretel
Feliz Happy
Rey King
Caperucita roja Little Red Riding Hood
Nervioso Nervous
Pinocho Pinocchio
Príncipe Prince
Princesa Princess
Reina Queen
Tranquilo Relaxed
Triste Sad
La bella durmiente Sleeping Beauty
Blancanieves y los siete enanitos Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Hermanastra Step-sister
El gato con botas The Cat in the Hat
El príncipe rana The Frog Prince
El patito feo The Ugly Duckling
Bruja Witch

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