SpanishUnoThe place to learn Spanish

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Spanish-English Vocabulary:
Professions I
Contador Accountant
Actor actor
Actriz actress
Arquitecto Architect
Carpintero Carpenter
Cocinero Cook
Ingeniero Engineer
Bombero Fireman
Albañil Handyman
Abogado lawyer
Farmacéutico Pharmacist
Piloto Pilot
Cartero Postman
Profesión Profession
Programador Programmer
Secretario Secretary
Cantante Singer
Estudiante Student
Profesor Teacher
Turista Tourist
Agente de viajes travel agent
Viajero Traveller
Mozo Waiter
Escritor Writer

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SpanishUnos' contents index

Conjugation of 2000+ Spanish verbs

Vocabulary of 5000+ Spanish words