General Information
First, please fill out the
Program Application form. It is FREE to join SpanishUno Affiliate Program.
It takes us up to 24 hours to process your application and prepare your own
special copy of SpanishUno setup EXE file.
Next, you receive an email with your affiliate ID and your username and
password. You can then enter SpanishUno Affiliate Program control panel, where
you can get SpanishUno’s advertisement banners and your own special copy of
SpanishUno setup EXE file.
Your Own Special Copy of SpanishUno Setup EXE File
SpanishUno is a web-based shareware software. Anyone can download a free copy of
SpanishUno. This copy is installed on the user’s computer and connects him to
the Spanish learning contents that are on the Internet.
SpanishUno offers its affiliates their own special copy of SpanishUno setup EXE
file. For example, if your affiliateID is 7235, you will receive a copy of
SpanishUno setup named: SpanishUno.Aff7235.eng.exe
Any user who installs this copy will automatically be considered as referred by
you. In other words, you can distribute your special copy of SpanishUno setup
EXE file ANYWHERE you want.
You can also add links on your web site pointing to ANY page on
This will gather visitor's information together with your affiliate ID and when
the visitor downloads SpanishUno from he or she will
automatically download your special copy stored on our server.
This way you can always know instantly how many users referred by you have
downloaded SpanishUno, how many bought and for how much.